Sydney got her start in theatre from performing at camps and school productions. While her interests have expanded to include technical theatre and music composition, she still loves to act, sing, and dance. She earned her BFA in Acting from Drake University with a minor in Musical Theatre.
Having studied the techniques of Stanislavsky, Chekov, Laban, Fitzmaurice, Viewpoints, and Rasa boxes Sydney has a vast toolbox when it comes to preparing a character that ensures a detailed performance.
As a singer, versatility is of utmost importance, which is why Sydney has worked to develop her voice in all areas and genres. She has the dexterity to tackle light soprano melodies and hard hitting belt pieces, with the musicality to take on jazz or folk songs, and of course, the acting chops to deliver both comedy and drama.
Despite engrossing herself in theatre at an early age, Sydney only recently developed a passion and appreciation for dance. While in college, she took classes at The Pointe Academy under the tutelage of Hank and Beth Adams, initially with twelve year olds but after hard work she found herself in class with the high school students. Her favorite forms of dance are Tap and Ballet and she continues to train and diversify as a dancer.
Although Sydney is pursuing a lot of different avenues, she knows that the core of performance is storytelling, and believes her work offstage only improves her ability to connect with her audiences and impact them.